The unidentified baby was born at Donna A. Sanzari Women's Hospital to a woman who officials say contracted Zika internationally."The mother, who is visiting the United States, is receiving exceptional care during this difficult time and we would appreciate everyone respecting the mother's privacy," Sheri Hensley, senior media specialist at Hackensack University Medical Center, said in an email.In January, health officials confirmed that a baby with severe microcephaly was born in Hawaii to a woman who had become infected with the Zika virus while living in Brazil. Earlier this month health officials in Puerto Rico confirmed their first case of a fetus with severe microcephaly linked to local transmission of the virus.The Zika virus, transmitted by the aggressive Aedes aegypti mosquito, has spread to at least 34 countries and territories. cheap nfl jerseys Daarcy of Dayton, Ohio, Thomas C. Darcy of Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, and Dennis M. Friday, Aug. 23 (App. Div. 1976...